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Installing EasyBind

This guide will help you hit the ground running, ensuring a smooth setup so you can start using EasyBind in your projects right away.

Step 1: Purchase EasyBind from the Unity Asset Store

First things first, head over to the Unity Asset Store and search for "EasyBind." Once you've found our package, proceed with the purchase. If you haven't already, you may need to create a Unity account or log in to complete this step.

Step 2: Import EasyBind into Your Project

After purchasing, open the Unity project where you plan to use EasyBind and follow these steps to import the package:

  1. Open the Package Manager by navigating to Window > Package Manager.
  2. At the top of the Package Manager window, select "Packages: My Assets" to view all your purchased packages.
  3. Locate and click on EasyBind in the list.
  4. If the package has not been downloaded yet, click the Download button. Once downloaded, the Import button will become available.
  5. Click Import to start the process. An import dialog box will display all the files within the package. Ensure that all files are selected and click Import again to add EasyBind to your project, unlocking its full potential.

This streamlined approach ensures EasyBind is seamlessly integrated into your Unity project, ready for you to explore its powerful features.

Step 3: Verify Installation

Once imported, you should see an R-DevStudio / EasyBind folder within your project's Assets directory. This confirms that EasyBind is now part of your project and ready to use.